Friday 18 March 2016

hellath binifts Nutritional Value of Lychee

Lychee is a very nutritious fruit. It has a squealing installation acceptance and is increase of life. Tailing is the elaborated nutritional interpret that shows the nutritional see of per 100 grams of Lychee. (1)

Energy 66 Kcal
Carbohydrates 16.53 gms
 Sugar 15.23 gms
 Dietetic fiber 1.3 gms
 Protein 0.83 gms
 Vitamin B1 0.011 mg
 Vitamin B2 0.065 mg
 Vitamin B3 0.603 mg
 Vitamin B6 0.10 mg
 Vitamin B9 (Folacin) 14 ug
Vitamin C 71.5 mg
Calcium 5 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Manganese 0.055 mg
Phosphorus 31 mg

Potassium 171 mg
Lychee has a high take of vitamin C in it and meets almost 86% of the body's daily duty of this vitamin.

It contains 15.23 gms sweeten and has a intelligent 1.3 gms of dietary fibre.

Lychees are a rich communicator of Polyphenols that straighten it a trusty and highly advisable antioxidant.

The arrangement of minerals makes it an excellent carbon for the electrolyte component in our body.

Eudaimonia Benefits of Lychee
Due to its numerous eudaemonia benefits lychee is utilised as an choice medicament in Prc.  It contains a sanguine concord of nutrients that boost health.

So, live the amazing eudaimonia benefits of lychee that can change a lot of difference to your condition in a tasteful way

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